Friday, April 27, 2007

State Children's Health Insurance Programs: Follow Up

The earlier Blog covering this subject discussed the incremental approach to government run health care and cited the use of the Children's program to cover adults.

Sen. Olympia Snow of Maine (supposedly a Republican but actually a RINO) introduced legislation Thursday to double the funding of this program over the next five years. This flies in the face of the real Republicans who wanted the funding levels reduced to end the improper use of the program using the purse strings.

She was joined in sponsoring this legislation by Sens. Jay Rockefeller (D-W.Va.) and Teddy Kennedy (D-Mass.)

While they were at it, they seized on this opportunity to also increase the coverage afforded under the SCHIP program to include mental and dental health care. This is such a good example of incrementalism, I couldn't help but post an update.

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